insert into xinxi(name,sex,age) values('张三','男',20);#2、修改语句
update xinxi set age=18 where name='李四';#3、删除语句
delete from xinxi where id=4;#4、查询全部数据
select * from xinxi;#5、查询部分数据
select id,name from xinxi;#6、带条件的查询
select id,name from xinxi where name='王五';#7、查询姓张的学生信息
select id,name from xinxi where name like '张%';#8、查询age为空的学生name和age
select name,age from xinxi where age is null;#9、查询age不为空的学生name和age
select name,age from xinxi where age is not null;#10、查询年龄在20–25的学生name和age
select name,age from xinxi where age between 20 and 25; select name,age from xinxi where age>=20 and age<=25;#11、去掉重复的张三
select distinct name from xinxi where name='张三';#12、按年龄升序排序查询id,name和age
select id,name,age from xinxi order by age; select id,name,age from xinxi order by age asc;#13、按年龄降序排序查询id,name和age
select id,name,age from xinxi order by age desc;#14、显示第一页(每页3条)
select id,name,age from xinxi limit 0,3; select id,name,age from xinxi limit 3;#15、显示第二页(每页3条)
select id,name,age from xinxi limit 3,3;#16、显示第三页(每页3条)
select id,name,age from xinxi limit 6,3;#17、年龄总和
select sum(age) from xinxi;#18、平均年龄
select avg(age) from xinxi;#19、最大、最小年龄
select max(age),min(age) from xinxi;#20、总人数
select count(*) from xinxi; select count(id) from xinxi; select count(1) from xinxi;#21、内连接查询
select x.id,x.name,s.money from xinxi x inner join salary s on s.eid=x.id; select x.id,x.name,s.money from salary s inner join xinxi x on s.eid=x.id;#笛卡尔积
select x.id,x.name,s.money from xinxi x,salary s where s.eid=x.id;#22、左外连接查询
select x.id,x.name,s.money from xinxi x left join salary s on s.eid=x.id; select x.id,x.name,s.money from salary s left join xinxi x on s.eid=x.id;#23、按课程编号分组查询学生平均分(聚合函数和其他字段一起查询时必须用分组)
select cid,avg(grade) from score group by cid;#24、查询补考学员
select sid,cid,avg(grade) from score group by sid,cid having count(grade)>1;#25、查询年龄比王五大的人的姓名和年龄
select name,age from stu where age>(select age from stu where name='王五');#26、查询年龄和王五一样大的人的姓名和年龄(子查询结果为多个)
select name,age from stu where age in(select age from stu where name='王五');#27、查询成绩是80、85分的人
select sid,grade from score where grade in(80,85);#28、查询成绩不是80、85分的人
select sid,grade from score where grade not in(80,85);#29、如果有 80分以上的成绩,显示分数排在前3名的学员学号和分数
select sid,grade from score where exists (select grade from score where grade>=80) order by grade desc limit 3;2020年6月30日