
    技术2022-07-10  152



    insert into xinxi(name,sex,age) values('张三','男',20);


    update xinxi set age=18 where name='李四';


    delete from xinxi where id=4;


    select * from xinxi;


    select id,name from xinxi;


    select id,name from xinxi where name='王五';


    select id,name from xinxi where name like '张%';


    select name,age from xinxi where age is null;


    select name,age from xinxi where age is not null;


    select name,age from xinxi where age between 20 and 25; select name,age from xinxi where age>=20 and age<=25;


    select distinct name from xinxi where name='张三';


    select id,name,age from xinxi order by age; select id,name,age from xinxi order by age asc;


    select id,name,age from xinxi order by age desc;


    select id,name,age from xinxi limit 0,3; select id,name,age from xinxi limit 3;


    select id,name,age from xinxi limit 3,3;


    select id,name,age from xinxi limit 6,3;


    select sum(age) from xinxi;


    select avg(age) from xinxi;


    select max(age),min(age) from xinxi;


    select count(*) from xinxi; select count(id) from xinxi; select count(1) from xinxi;


    select,, from xinxi x inner join salary s on; select,, from salary s inner join xinxi x on;


    select,, from xinxi x,salary s where;


    select,, from xinxi x left join salary s on; select,, from salary s left join xinxi x on;


    select cid,avg(grade) from score group by cid;


    select sid,cid,avg(grade) from score group by sid,cid having count(grade)>1;


    select name,age from stu where age>(select age from stu where name='王五');


    select name,age from stu where age in(select age from stu where name='王五');


    select sid,grade from score where grade in(80,85);


    select sid,grade from score where grade not in(80,85);

    #29、如果有 80分以上的成绩,显示分数排在前3名的学员学号和分数

    select sid,grade from score where exists (select grade from score where grade>=80) order by grade desc limit 3;


    Processed: 0.012, SQL: 9