
    技术2022-07-10  120

    1.What is the biggest trend amongst university students in China right now? 中大学生最大趋势

    中国大学生目前最大的趋势就是人数越来越多,越来越不重视传统的课堂,反而更加的喜欢线上课程,更加愿意去创新探索新鲜有趣的事物,更加愿意动手实践并赚钱,更加重视身体锻炼,这是好的趋势,同时越来越多的大学生玩手机的时间变长,沉迷于网络游戏,这是有害的趋势 China’s the biggest trend of college students is more and more, more and more do not take the traditional classroom, but more like online courses, more willing to innovation to explore fresh and interesting things, more willing to hands-on practice and make money, pay more attention to physical exercise, this is a good trend, at the same time, more and more college students more time to play mobile phone, addicted to online games, it’s harmful trends

    2.Are trends always a positive thing in your opinion?趋势总是好的嘛

    我不这么认为,中国大学生目前最大的趋势就是人数越来越多,越来越不重视传统的课堂,反而更加的喜欢线上课程,更加愿意去创新探索新鲜有趣的事物,更加愿意动手实践并赚钱,更加重视身体锻炼,这是好的趋势,同时越来越多的大学生玩手机的时间变长,沉迷于网络游戏,这是有害的趋势 I don’t think so.China’s the biggest trend of college students is more and more, more and more do not take the traditional classroom, but more like online courses, more willing to innovation to explore fresh and interesting things, more willing to hands-on practice and make money, pay more attention to physical exercise, this is a good trend, at the same time, more and more college students more time to play mobile phone, addicted to online games, it’s harmful trends

    3.Do you think that something that is trending in China, will trend in the west as well? 西方会像中国一样流行吗

    如今的社会是多元化的,是开放的,中西方的交流非常频繁,大家都是接触同样新鲜的事物,因此我认为是这样的,大学生目前最大的趋势就是人数越来越多,越来越不重视传统的课堂,反而更加的喜欢线上课程,更加愿意去创新探索新鲜有趣的事物,更加愿意动手实践并赚钱,更加重视身体锻炼,这是好的趋势,同时越来越多的大学生玩手机的时间变长,沉迷于网络游戏,这是有害的趋势 Today’s society is diverse, is open, the Chinese and western communication very frequently, everybody is the same contact new things, so I think that’s the case, the number of the biggest trend of college students is more and more, more and more do not take the traditional classroom, but more like online courses, more willing to innovation to explore fresh and interesting things, more willing to hands-on practice and make money, pay more attention to physical exercise, this is a good trend, at the same time, more and more college students more time to play mobile phone, addicted to online games, it’s harmful trends

    4.Are Chinese people addicted to trending videos online? 短视频成瘾

    我认为如今的中国很多人都沉迷短视频,短视频软件会根据你的喜好为你推荐你喜欢的看的内容,因此你会一直观看停不下来,这样会消耗你很多本该用于工作学习或者休息的时间,短视频作为休闲娱乐让你放松的工具,不应该让你沉迷其中,这样会让你记忆力下降,注意力很难集中,同时更加容易跟风失去自己的主见,因此我们要控制玩手机的时间 I think now a lot of people in China are beguiled 不给噢特 by short video, short video software will be the be fond of according to you recommend you to look like for you, so you will always watch can’t stop, it will cost you a lot of work should have been used to study or the rest of the time, a short video as the tool of entertainment let you relax, should not let you indulge, it will make your memory decline, it is difficult to concentrate, at the same time are more likely to follow suit to lose their own ideas, so we must control time playing mobile phone

    5.What is the main reasons for something to trend in China? 现在趋势原因

    如今的社会是多元化的,是开放的,网络信息也很发达,爆炸量的数据,便捷的生活让人们生活的更加没有距离感,人们在网络上的言论也是自由的,实现了非常便利的沟通,一种流行因素很容易带动很多人参与其中,对于有利于社会发展的元素,会让大部分人所倡导,对于不好的事物,也会遭到人们的抵制,我认为之所以有这种良好的趋势主要得力于网络的发展。 Today’s society is diverse, is open, the network information is very rich also, blast volume of data, make people’s lives more convenient life without the sense of distance, people on the Internet is freedom of speech, has realized the convenient communication, a kind of popular factors it is easy to drive a lot of people involved, for elements conducive to the development of society, makes most people advocated that the bad things, will be rejected by people, I think it’s have the good trend is mainly due to the development of the network.

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