
    技术2022-07-10  127


    一:结果演示1). 复制演示2). 提示覆盖3). 不提示覆盖 二. C#源代码三. AutoIt 源代码四. 文件说明及下载

    命令行调用windows复制对话框复制文件,C#版可能有些Bug报错, 请测试使用!


    1). 复制演示

    2). 提示覆盖

    3). 不提示覆盖

    二. C#源代码

    using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace CopyX { class Program { public enum FO_Func : uint { FO_MOVE = 0x0001, FO_COPY = 0x0002, FO_DELETE = 0x0003, FO_RENAME = 0x0004, } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, Pack = 2)] struct SHFILEOPSTRUCT { public IntPtr hwnd; public FO_Func wFunc; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] public string pFrom; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] public string pTo; public ushort fFlags; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public bool fAnyOperationsAborted; public IntPtr hNameMappings; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] public string lpszProgressTitle; } [DllImport("shell32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] static extern int SHFileOperation([In, Out] ref SHFILEOPSTRUCT lpFileOp); static string usage = "调用Windows自带的复制文件对话框来复制文件。\n" + "\n CopyX [/Y] source destination\n\n" + "\t/Y \t不提示直接覆盖目标文件。\n" + "\tsource \t指定要复制的文件。\n" + "\tdestination\t为新文件指定目录和/或文件名。"; static int Main(string[] args) { bool bOverWrite = false; string srcPath = null, dstPath = null; foreach (string arg in args) { if (arg == "/y" || arg == "/Y") { bOverWrite = true; } else if (srcPath == null) { srcPath = arg; } else if (dstPath == null) { dstPath = arg; } } if (args.Contains("/?") || srcPath == null || dstPath == null) { Console.WriteLine(usage); return -1; } if ((!File.Exists(srcPath)) && (!Directory.Exists(srcPath))) { Console.WriteLine("复制失败, 源文件不存在!"); return -1; } SHFILEOPSTRUCT lpFileOp = new SHFILEOPSTRUCT(); lpFileOp.hwnd = IntPtr.Zero; lpFileOp.wFunc = FO_Func.FO_COPY; lpFileOp.pFrom = srcPath + '\0'; lpFileOp.pTo = dstPath + '\0'; /* FOF_MULTIDESTFILES = 0x0001 FOF_CONFIRMMOUSE = 0x0002 FOF_SILENT = 0x0004 // don't create progress/report FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION = 0x0008 FOF_NOCONFIRMATION = 0x0010 // Don't prompt the user. FOF_WANTMAPPINGHANDLE = 0x0020 // Fill in SHFILEOPSTRUCT.hNameMappings FOF_ALLOWUNDO = 0x0040 FOF_FILESONLY = 0x0080 // on *.* do only files FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS = 0x0100 // means don't show names of files FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR = 0x0200 // don't confirm making any needed dirs FOF_NOERRORUI = 0x0400 // don't put up error UI FOF_NOCOPYSECURITYATTRIBS = 0x0800 // dont copy NT file Security Attributes FOF_NORECURSION = 0x1000 // don't recurse into directories. FOF_NO_CONNECTED_ELEMENTS = 0x2000 // don't operate on connected elements. FOF_WANTNUKEWARNING = 0x4000 // during delete operation warn if nuking instead of recycling (partially overrides FOF_NOCONFIRMATION) FOF_NORECURSEREPARSE = 0x8000 // treat reparse points as objects not containers */ lpFileOp.fFlags = bOverWrite ? (ushort)(0x0010 | 0x0200) : (ushort)0x0100; lpFileOp.hNameMappings = IntPtr.Zero; lpFileOp.fAnyOperationsAborted = false; int ret = SHFileOperation(ref lpFileOp); switch (ret) { case 0x00: return 0; // 拷贝成功 case 0x71: Console.WriteLine("The source and destination files are the same file."); break; case 0x72: Console.WriteLine("Multiple file paths were specified in the source buffer, but only one destination file path."); break; case 0x73: Console.WriteLine("Rename operation was specified but the destination path is a different directory. Use the move operation instead."); break; case 0x74: Console.WriteLine("The source is a root directory, which cannot be moved or renamed."); break; case 0x75: Console.WriteLine("The operation was canceled by the user, or silently canceled if the appropriate flags were supplied to SHFileOperation."); break; case 0x76: Console.WriteLine("The destination is a subtree of the source."); break; case 0x78: Console.WriteLine("Security settings denied access to the source."); break; case 0x79: Console.WriteLine("The source or destination path exceeded or would exceed MAX_PATH."); break; case 0x7A: Console.WriteLine("The operation involved multiple destination paths, which can fail in the case of a move operation."); break; case 0x7C: Console.WriteLine("The path in the source or destination or both was invalid."); break; case 0x7D: Console.WriteLine("The source and destination have the same parent folder."); break; case 0x7E: Console.WriteLine("The destination path is an existing file."); break; case 0x80: Console.WriteLine("The destination path is an existing folder."); break; case 0x81: Console.WriteLine("The name of the file exceeds MAX_PATH."); break; case 0x82: Console.WriteLine("The destination is a read-only CD-ROM, possibly unformatted."); break; case 0x83: Console.WriteLine("The destination is a read-only DVD, possibly unformatted."); break; case 0x84: Console.WriteLine("The destination is a writable CD-ROM, possibly unformatted."); break; case 0x85: Console.WriteLine("The file involved in the operation is too large for the destination media or file system."); break; case 0x86: Console.WriteLine("The source is a read-only CD-ROM, possibly unformatted."); break; case 0x87: Console.WriteLine("The source is a read-only DVD, possibly unformatted."); break; case 0x88: Console.WriteLine("The source is a writable CD-ROM, possibly unformatted."); break; case 0xB7: Console.WriteLine("MAX_PATH was exceeded during the operation."); break; case 0x402: Console.WriteLine("An unknown error occurred. This is typically due to an invalid path in the source or destination. This error does not occur on Windows Vista and later."); break; default: Console.WriteLine("复制失败, 未知错误代码【" + ret + "】,参考: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/shellapi/nf-shellapi-shfileoperationa"); break; } return ret; } } }

    三. AutoIt 源代码

    #NoTrayIcon #pragma compile(FileDescription, '简单调用Windows自带复制对话框复制文件或文件夹') #pragma compile(FileVersion, #pragma compile(ProductName, Leo) #pragma compile(ProductVersion, #pragma compile(LegalCopyright, Copyright © 2020) #pragma compile(x64, false) #pragma compile(UPX, true) #pragma compile(Compression, 9) #pragma compile(Console, true) #include <APIShellExConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIFiles.au3> #include <WinAPIShellEx.au3> Global $bOverWrite = False, $bHelp = False Global $srcPath = '', $dstPath = '' For $i = 1 To $CmdLine[0] If $CmdLine[$i] = '/y' Then $bOverWrite = True ElseIf $CmdLine[$i] = '/?' Then $bHelp = True ElseIf $srcPath = '' Then $srcPath = $CmdLine[$i] ElseIf $dstPath = '' Then $dstPath = $CmdLine[$i] EndIf Next If $bHelp Or $srcPath = '' Or $dstPath = '' Then ConsoleWrite("调用Windows自带的复制文件对话框来复制文件。" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "CopyX [/Y] source destination" & @CRLF & @CRLF & @TAB & _ "/Y 不提示直接覆盖目标文件。" & @CRLF & @TAB & _ "source 指定要复制的文件。" & @CRLF & @TAB & _ "destination 为新文件指定目录和/或文件名。" & @CRLF) Exit -1 EndIf If FileExists($srcPath) <> 1 Then ConsoleWriteError('复制失败, 源文件不存在!') Exit -1 EndIf If $bOverWrite Then _WinAPI_ShellFileOperation($srcPath, $dstPath, $FO_COPY, BitOR($FOF_NOCONFIRMATION, $FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR)) Global $ret = @extended Else _WinAPI_ShellFileOperation($srcPath, $dstPath, $FO_COPY, $FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS) Global $ret = @extended EndIf If $ret <> 0 Then ConsoleWriteError("复制失败,错误代码: " & $ret & " 参考: https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/libfunctions/_WinAPI_ShellFileOperation.htm") Exit $ret Else Exit 0 EndIf

    四. 文件说明及下载

    C#版编译为DoNet4.5,Win7需安装4.5框架 AutoIt版默认支持Win7 ~ Win10 比较稳定 可自行编译


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