setup openwrt in my ubuntu

    技术2024-07-25  9

    setup the related lib:

    sudo apt-get install g++ libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev bison flex unzip autoconf gawk make gettext gcc binutils patch bzip2 libz-dev asciidoc subversion sphinxsearch libtool sphinx-common libssl-dev libssl0.9.8

    download openwrt source code

    you can download it from the github: ssh:git clone http:git clone

    or you can use the mirror source: git clone

    update the source package

    after unziping the package, enter the root path, update the code:

    ./scripts/feeds update -a ./sscripts/feeds install -a


    make menuconfig

    then choose the dut version which you need, then:

    make V=s -j

    mainland’s source and setup reference

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