■ 面向未来创业的工程教育 ■ 通过竞赛的工程教育 ■ 反转、反转、反转
STEM → Speciality
▲ 自动化系培养方案的中课程分布 ▲ 自动化系培养方案的课程分布 ▲ 自动化系通过系统的角度看到能力的培养
根据李泽湘在 李泽湘在这里三次取经:我们的教育如何解答“钱学森之问”和“李约瑟难题” 一文提到了所访问的几所学校,梳理一下他们的教育理念:
Dyson School of Design Engineering(戴森)在 Dyson School of Design Engineering 的网站给出了设计工程专业的介绍:Design Engineering is the fusion of design thinking, and engineering knowledge and practice within a culture of innovation and enterprise.
About US: The Dyson School of Design Engineering is the 10th and newest engineering department at Imperial College London. It was founded in 2014 and assisted by a generous donation from the James Dyson Foundation. Our goal is to fuse together design thinking, engineering knowledge and practice, to foster a culture of innovation and enterprise, to help solve global problems with emphasis on sustainability, entrepreneurship and societal impact.
Introduction to Design Engineering: Design engineers are problem solvers who bridge the gap between traditional engineering and design to create innovative solutions to modern challenges, from improving passenger comfort on commercial airlines to designing next-generation sports prostheses.
It’s a highly creative discipline that draws on knowledge of manufacturing techniques, product development, technical design and rapid prototyping to bring new innovations to market, and to improve existing products and the processes used for making them.
University of Edinburgh(爱丁堡)
Herot-Watt University(赫瑞-瓦特)
Olin Colledge of Engineering(Boston)
Berkeley University of California
观点1: 创新与产业相结合 观点2: 培养创新人才的素质:Curiosity, Collaborator, Associative or Integrative thinking
▲ 图3 创新的三要素:专业知识,创新思维,内在驱动力。实现创新的路径从Play, Passion, Purpose网页 Standford2025 对上述观点进行阐述,表示这是在22世纪反过头来看知识与能力轴翻转所带来教育新纪元的意义。
▲ 站在22世纪反过头来看斯坦福2025计划反转能力与知识的轴对称关系的所产生的新纪元传统教育理念是将特定专业的知识作为学生毕业的评判标准,而能力则是第二位的。相比之下,轴翻转教育理念则是将能力的发展作为教育的基础,而非知识.
本科教育用来确保和培养能力获取模式的达成;学校按照能力俱乐部划分,并配有相应的主管;能力记录可以传递更广泛的才能与潜质;(1) MIT NEET: New Engineering Education Transformation Built entirely around the new machines, materials, and systems driving modern industry, NEET offers a carefully designed curricular structure that empowers MIT students.
program was launched in 2017 to reimagine engineering education at MIT. A cross-departmental endeavor with a focus on integrative, project-centric learning, NEET cultivates the essential skills, knowledge, and qualities to address the formidable challenges posed by the 21st century.
Advanced Materials MachinesAutonomous MachinesDigital CitiesLiving MachinesRenewable Energy Maching(2) MEDIA P-P-P-P
Media Lab探讨并利用“4P”的方法来帮助人们进行创意工作,它们分别是:项目(Project)、伙伴(Peers)、热情(passion)、玩(Play)。全国大学智能汽车竞赛,作为大学生课外一项综合探索性复杂工程实践活动,这“4P”方法也非常适合促进学生参与这项竞赛活动。
Trends in Engineering Education - An International Perspective : 2000年左右的总结文章
A Whole Engineer
A Brief Review of Engineering Education in USA
Educating of Engineering 2020
The New Engineering Education in China
Reimagining and rethinking engineering education