of using the EFP, of using ACT;
The STFT of a signal:The STFT;
added the Table. I of the revised manuscript:added Table. I in the revised manuscript
the convolutional layers:convolutional layers
number of overlapped samples:the number of overlapped samples
To achieve our goal of the separation of anisotropic Gaussian windowTo achieve our goal of separation of the anisotropic Gaussian window
revised the Fig. 10revised Fig. 10
RBF kernalthe RBF kernal
in the each imagein each image
achieves the higher classification accuracy thanachieves higher classification accuracy than
of the specific stageof a specific stage
MobileNet extracts features from the named "conv2d 11" layer whose the size of output feature mapsMobileNet extracts features from the "conv2d 11" layer whose size of output feature maps
but number of rows is given:but the number of rows is defined as follows.
An architecture of TFFNet.when you use "An", it means that it is not necessarily architecture that you are using.
The architecture of TFFNet.
use the same time range to [0,0.75] s :use the same time range [0,0.75] s
The observed signal has a length of 150000 samples in 0.75 secondsThe observed signal has a length of 150000 samples within a time interval of 0.75 seconds
traditional FPN of construction a multi-resolutiontraditional FPN for construction of a multi-resolution
classier' mAP on the UWA communication signals dataset :classier' mAP for the UWA communication signals dataset
we revised the manuscript the following text:we revised the manuscript as follows
We have revised the text as follows.
We have revised the following text.
We have revised classifier to classifier.This has been corrected.
The classication performance of the TFFNet is compared with two machine learning methods, random forest (RF)The classication performance of the TFFNet is compared with that of two machine learning methods, random forest (RF)
image with 299 * 299 input size isimage of a size 299 *299 is
is lower than RF and SVM-RBFis lower than that of RF and SVM-RBF
The RBF classification is less accurate compared SVM-RBF.The RBF classification is less accurate compared to SVM-RBF.
In the work/ Using the wayIn this work/ Using this way
get the dataextract the data
TFFNet with STFT get a lower mAPTFFNet with STFT results in a lower mAP
references [21][22][23] of the revised manuscriptreferences [21][22][23] in the revised manuscript
traditional FPN of construction a multi-resolutiontraditional FPN for construction of a multi-resolution
section II-A and section II-Bsection II
sparse ACT is exible in adjustment between complexity and energy concentrationallows adjustment of the trade-off between complexity and energy concentration
a Beluga whale and a sperm whale soundsBeluga whale and sperm whale sounds
a list of, values with
is equal to in the range from 0.2 to 2.6 with an interval of 0.3Parameters and each is a list of values [0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.1, 1.4, 1.7, 2.0,2.3].
The factor don't containThe factor does not contain
Consider the high efficiency of sparse ACTFor the high efficiency of sparse ACT
should be big valuesshould be large values
second one more impulses (spermwhales's clicks)second one with impulses (spermwhales's clicks)
Using the same hardware configuration, we did not compare with FSSTWe could not do this for FSST
experiment can't be executedexperiment cannot be executed
a key factor in influence of the classificationa key factor influencing the classification
we change the coordinate system [31].we change the coordinate system as in [31]
are learnt from some UWA signals.are learnt from UWA signals.
[12] has ...The work [12] has ...
An anisotropic operator is selected.The parameter is selected ( is a parameter, not an operator)
the total samples is 1797total number of samples
sample number of each class is about 180.the number of samples within each class
RBF kernel in an example where the numberThere are several manners inThere are several ways in
The drawback of these methods is that the addition of more training dataThe drawback of these methods is their low capacity so that the addition of more training data
a parameter you can tune.a parameter one can tune.
MobileNet, VGG-16 and Inception V3 extract featuresMobileNet, VGG-16 and Inception V3 backbone networks extract features
The number of samples of ve modulation types is equivalent, 500 training, 110 validation, and 70 test sets.There are 680 signals with each type of modulation, of which 500, 110, and 70 are used for training, validation and testing, respectively.
Comparison performance for di erent classification tasks.Performance comparison for di erent classification tasks.
three trained classiers of RF, SVM-RBF and TFFNetthree trained classiers, namely RF, SVM-RBF and TFFNet